My vim config
My vim config and other dotfiles can be found here:
and :cfdo
executes a command on
each entry in the quickfix list, whereas :cfdo
executes a command for each
file in the quickfix list.
This can be useful for refactoring if you have a way to quickly populate
entries in the quickfix list. Since I use
fzf.vim, I normally do so with :Ag
As an example, let’s say we have the following lines in a number of different files:
// foo.go
func DoThingX() {}
// bar.go
func bar() {
// baz.go
func baz() {
Using :Ag DoThingX
and selecting the results we put the following into our
quickfix list:
bar.go|4 col 2| DoThingX()
baz.go|4 col 2| DoThingX()
foo.go|9 col 6| func DoThingX() {}
If we wanted to rename DoThingX
to DoThingY
across these files, we can do
so using :cdo s/DoThingX/DoThingY/ | update
Other resources: Vim’s new :cdo command.
and \ze
and \ze
are regex
patterns that allow matching a substring of a total regex match. \zs
indicates the start of the match, and \ze
the end.
This is useful when matching against a long string, but you only want to replace a substring of it. For instance given the following piece of code:
func DoThingX() error {}
func foo() {
err := DoThingX()
We change DoThingX
to return two values (v string, err error)
, and we want
to update the callsites with the new function signature. err := DoThingX()
needs to be changed to _, err := DoThingX()
Without \zs
and \ze
we might do something like :s/err := DoThingX/_, err := DoThingX/
With \zs
and \ze
we can instead match a substring within the full regex
match, and replace only the substring. We can do :s/\zs\zeerr := DoThingX/_, /g
Breaking it down, we’re still matching against err := DoThingX
, but the
at the beginning indicates where our replacement will be applied. In
this case, our replacement is inserted at the beginning of the match.
Execute a macro in buffers using :bufdo
or :argdo
executes a macro in all open buffers. :argdo
executes a macro in all
files in the arglist (:args
:bufdo execute "normal! @a" | update
:argdo execute "normal! @a" | update
Syntax highlighting for Go text template tags in HTML files
If vim-go is installed, it comes with syntax
highlighting files for the gohtmltmpl
filetype. Enable using:
:set ft=gohtmltmpl
Alternatively, if you don’t want to install vim-go, you can also copy the
files from vim-go’s repository. Some modification to the files may be needed.
Syntax highlighting for code blocks in markdown files
By default vim uses tpope’s Markdown runtime files for syntax highlighting. Enable syntax highlighting in code blocks using:
let g:markdown_fenced_languages = ['html', 'python', 'bash=sh']
Syntax highlighting for YAML frontmatter in Markdown files
Add the following to after/syntax/markdown.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
syntax include @Yaml syntax/yaml.vim
syntax region yamlFrontmatter start=/\%^---$/ end=/^---$/ keepend contains=@Yaml
Read from stdin into a new, unsaved named file
Opens vim with some content in the buffer. The file is named, but not yet saved to disk.
echo "some content" | nvim - -c "file /tmp/filename.txt"
Edit macro contents
Use C-r
followed by a register to paste the contents of the register.
:let @a=<C-r>a
When used in insert mode, the contents is pasted into the buffer. In insert mode,
it’s recommended to use C-r
twice to paste literally, otherwise the text is
treated as though typed and is subject to autoindent and other formatting
Update buffer from external command, keeping cursor position
I haven’t tested the actual command yet, this is just a demonstration of
, and
function Format() {
let s:save = winsaveview()
silent keepjumps execute !goimports -w %
call winrestview(s:save)
Common errors
Tab key not working in insert mode with UltiSnips, neovim
Make sure the python3 binary is properly referenced:
let g:python_host_prog='/usr/bin/python'
let g:python3_host_prog='/Users/benheng/.pyenv/shims/python3'
ALE lint markers not appearing in Go files
Patch the following handler to detect go vet
diff --git a/autoload/ale/handlers/go.vim b/autoload/ale/handlers/go.vim
index f17cd862..cada0890 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/handlers/go.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/handlers/go.vim
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
" Description: moved to generic Golang file from govet
function! ale#handlers#go#Handler(buffer, lines) abort
- let l:pattern = '\v^([a-zA-Z]?:?[^:]+):(\d+):?(\d+)?:? ?(.+)$'
+ let l:pattern = '\v^%(vet:\s*)?([a-zA-Z]?:?[^:]+):(\d+):?(\d+)?:? ?(.+)$'
let l:output = []
let l:dir = expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h')
NERDTree panel does not resize
As a workaround, apply the patch:
diff --git a/lib/nerdtree/menu_controller.vim b/lib/nerdtree/menu_controller.vim
index 952c67b..df34d66 100644
--- a/lib/nerdtree/menu_controller.vim
+++ b/lib/nerdtree/menu_controller.vim
@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ endfunction
function! s:MenuController._restoreOptions()
let &cmdheight = self._oldCmdheight
let &lazyredraw = self._oldLazyredraw
+ resize
"FUNCTION: MenuController._cursorDown() {{{1
Neovim’s LSP omnifunc does not support fuzzy matches
This is currently blocking me from adopting neovim’s built-in LSP. The LSP server provides fuzzy matching, but the omnifunc handler is filtering them out.
[vim-go] Outdated tags when switching branches or generating code
This can occur when you have an existing vim session, and you either switch branches, generate code, or otherwise change the state of the codebase from an external source. The tags can become outdated, and omnicompletion does not pick up the new tags. One way to solve this is to simply restart vim to reinitialize gopls. Alternatively the following command can be used (stackoverflow comment):
:GoBuildTags ''