Vim - debugger integration
Setting up vim for debugging was more annoyingly complicated than I expected. I’ve gotten it working now. This post documents the required setup for posterity. This post assumes neovim is being used instead of vim.
Go (simple setup)
I can generally get by with using delve’s CLI for most tasks. I find setting up breakpoints using the CLI to be the most tedious, so I see breakpoint-setting as the primary value that an editor-integrated debugger can provide.
vim-delve provides a simple interface for managing breakpoints, while deferring the actual debugging to delve’s CLI. I quite like this approach because it’s simple. It’s also portable, in the sense that you’re still just interacting with delve directly, which is editor agnostic.
The :DlvConnect <hostport>
command can be used for remote debugging, while
the :DlvDebug [flags]
is used for local debugging.
Go (complex setup)
My complex debugger setup involves:
nvim-dap provides a language agnostic debugger interface. Adaptors for each language are configured declaratively. It uses the Debug Adaptor Protocol.
nvim-dap-ui provides the debugger user interface you would expect from an IDE; with panes for breakpoints, watch expressions, and variable values.
Here’s the configuration I use for launching a local or remote debug session.
local dap = require('dap')
dap.adapters.go = {
type = 'server',
port = '${port}',
executable = {
command = 'dlv',
args = {'dap', '-l', '${port}'},
dap.adapters.goremote = {
type = "server",
host = "",
port = 4000,
dap.configurations.go = {
type = "go",
name = "Debug package",
request = "launch",
program = "${fileDirname}"
type = "goremote",
request = "attach",
mode = "remote",
name = "Remote debugger",
cwd = vim.fn.getcwd(),
substitutePath = {
from = "/go/src",
to = "/Users/ben/dev",
from = "/Users/ben/dev",
to = "/go/src/",
Note the substitutePath
config. This seems to be an undocumented part of
delve’s DAP interface, or at least I wasn’t able to find the official
documentation for it. I lifted it from someone else’s github repository
is generally required for remote debugging, since the remote
file path is likely different from your local file path. In this example, my
code is mounted in a docker container at /go/src/path/to/file.go
, and locally
at ~/dev/path/to/file.go
. With this config, when the DAP client (vim) tells
the DAP server (delve) to set a breakpoint at ~/dev/file.go
, the DAP server
translates the path to /go/src/file.go
In my docker container, I use either the dlv debug
or dlv exec` command. The
former will first compile the code while the latter executes a precompiled
dlv debug /go/src/path/to/file.go --headless --accept-multiclient --log --listen
dlv exec /go/bin/server --headless --accept-multiclient --log --listen
The actual commands will vary depending on which package you use. For my
keybinds, I like to prefix groups of commands with the <leader>
key followed
by a prefix. In this case I use <leader>d
, where the d
indicates debugger keybinds.
: set breakpoint<leader>dB
: set conditional breakpoint<leader>dC
: clear all breakpoints<leader>dt
: debug test<leader>dT
: debug test under cursor